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The P+A+MSA Clinic (for “Parkinson’s plus”-Ataxia-Multiple System Atrophy patients) is housed within the Department of Neurology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and adjacent to Harvard Medical School. 

The clinic (also see clinical website) is dedicated to caring and finding cures for patients who have different forms of parkinsonism and ataxia, including those known as “Parkinson’s plus” disorders. These diseases are inter-related through both their clinical presentation and underlying disease biology.

We group these diseases according to the specific proteins that misfold within the brain to cause them:

A webinar in late 2024 gives more information to patients and caregivers about our PAMSA clinic and research.

Additional resources for patients are available at the Multiple System Atrophy Coalition, National Ataxia Foundation, Cure PSP, Parkinson’s Disease Foundation and Michael J Fox Foundation websites, as well as the neurologic disease portal at the National Institute of Neurologic Disorders and Stroke.

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