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Movement Disorders Genetics Clinic

Neurogenetics Clinic: Our Movement Genetics Clinic evaluates patients with early onset of a degenerative movement disorder or and those with a positive family history. This clinic runs on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month with patients seen by  Dr Widad Abou-Chaar, Dr Claudio Melo de Gusmao and genetics counselor Ms Rebecca Yeh. Critical medical informatics support to the clinic is provided by Dr Inma Barrasa . Dr Vikram (Vik) Khurana provides consultation and direction. In the movement genetics appointment, our clinicians will determine the need for additional genetic testing as clinically indicated. Patients who do not receive a diagnosis through routine clinical genetics investigations are advanced to a research protocol.

Referrals are made through the main Movement Disorders clinic (+1 617 732 7432), with attention to Ms Kristian De Pass-Grant , the clinic coordinator.


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