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BWH Movement Division Awards (Sudarsky, Silva and PD Innovation) announced!

BWH Movement Division Awards announced! This year the BWH Movement Division raised enough funds to support 6 projects! The PD Innovation Award (a total of $100K) was split between

  • Dr Rich Krolewski (BWH)/ Dr Todd Golub (Broad Inst) for their work on copper as a potential toxicant in Parkinson’s diseases and
  • Dr Erinc Hallacli (BWH) / Dr Mo Khalil (BU) for their work to develop a novel proteome-scale perturbation assay for Parkinson’s diseas

The inaugural Silva Ataxia Foundation fellowship went to Dr Joanna (Asia) Korecka in the Division for her work to develop a gene therapy for a childhood ataxia dentatorubropallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA).

The BWH Movement Division Sudarsky Scholars for 2022-2023 include Dr Andreas Horn for developing a comprehensive DBS database at BWH, Dr Sumaiya Nazeen for building a new statistical genetics toolbox for analyzing rare variants in Neurodegeneration and and Dr Barbara (Kelly) Changizi for establishing a video library within the Division.

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